Now it's time to import your creations in Unreal Engine 4.

TODO: level template + LightmassImportanceVolume

Model Import

  1. Content Browser -> Import
  2. Select the file LowResStatue.fbx -> Open
  3. FBX Import Options
    1. Material ->
      1. Material Import Method -> Do Not Create Material
      2. Disable Import Textures
    2. Import


Texture Import

  1. Content Browser -> Import
  2. Multiselect all texture image files
    1. ObjectGroupName_BaseColor.png
    2. ObjectGroupName_Normal.png
    3. ObjectGroupName_OcclusionRoughnessMetallic.png
  3. sRGB needs to be disabled for normal and greyscale texture maps.
    1. Double-click the image ObjectGroupName_OcclusionRoughnessMetallic.png to open its asset details.
    2. Details -> Texture -> disable sRGB.

 TODO set lightmap resolution and check with Alt + 0

Create Material

This material doesn't support emission textures.


Create a PostProcessVolume that surrounds your model and the camera.

Enable these settings in the Details window:

  1. Lens
    1. Bloom
      1. Intensity 3.5
      2. Threshold -0.5
    2. Chromatic Aberration
      1. Intensity 0.55
    3. Image Effects
      1. Vignette Intensity 0.1
      2. Grain Jitter 0.1
      3. Grain Intensity 0.1
  2. Color Grading
    1. Global
      1. Saturation 1.05
      2. Contrast 1.1
      3. Gain 1.1